Your article brought back so many memories of collecting DVDs and browsing through stores like Woolworths. I loved how you captured the excitement of owning physical media and the connection we have to these collections. Great memories.
Our thing was Lovefilm, dvd rental by post and we could have up to two titles at any one time. Taught our boys that you have to wait for the good things in life. Having said that I think Mubi is a great streaming platform with a fantastic catalogue… and ReidsonFilm are open to offers of sponsorship.
Yes I used to use Lovefilm. Nothing like the excitement of the new discs coming through the post. Yep, I enjoy the BFI’s service too. And the pick and mix 😫 things will never be the same!
You had me at jelly welly. I did hold on to a handful of DVDs but nowhere near enough. (Same with CDs actually). There’s a scene in The Holiday where Kate Winslet runs her hand along an enormous shelf of DVD spines and I can feel the envy as I type. Look forward to seeing your new shelves!
I always think of Hot Fuzz when they go home after a night of drinking and he has that massive movie collection. Once I get these shelves, that might be me 😅
I have fond memories of lunch breaks of the heady days of 2007 and 2008 when I would head down to HMV or CEX on the high street (RIP high streets) and return to the office laden with DVDs and Blu-Rays for "the collection". 2 for £20 was a bargain. Ah, nostalgia.
You've left me inspired Gareth.. Facebook Marketplace here I come. Suspect I might have to hide the loot in my home office in a cupboard labelled "Invoices" or "Accounts Payable " or somesuch to avoid the disappointed sigh and eye roll of my good lady wife...
Loved the voice over, Gareth - loads of personality. RIP Woolies indeed, where you could get Pic N Mix, whichever Top 40 vinyls floated your boat, videos or DVDs, and a pair of gardening gloves, all within 10ft of each other.
You are a lucky man to obtain such a treasure trove. I have a pretty solid DVD collection, but coming home with a massive haul like that would be pretty cool, even if I only decided to keep a small amount of it. Hmm, I might have to start browsing Facebook marketplace to see if I can do something similar...
Thanks Matthew. Yeah it was really fun to go through it all. You never know what you might find. So many people are choosing to let go of their collections so I’ll bet you’ll find a good haul for a good price! Good luck!
I laughed way too hard at the picture of your face after you realised what you had done 😂 What an impressive collection - some of them seem brand new and you've even got Antonio Banderas in the 13th Warrior, what else can you ask? 😂 And well done for donating some of it. You’ve reminded me of one of my uncles, who loves cinema and has a substantial collection of VHS (yep, back in the day) and DVDs lining one full wall of his rather big home office. I always admired it in awe. And you’re so right about the joy of being able to watch a favourite film whenever you want because you own a copy of it. Streaming is great but if you blink, that movie you wanted to see it’s already gone.
Bloody brilliant. I'm being made to rationalise our dvds and blurays. But not happy with streaming myself. Gave up netflix ages ago, Amazon is getting worse and worse to us and find stuff.
Thanks James! Yeah it’s tricky. Amazon out of all of them does have some good classics on there. But not everything. And as I say, they can just take them off any time. Keep those discs as long as you can!
You should still do the jelly welly thing... also yes I much prefer physical media still. Lots of my favourites (30s-50s films) aren't available on streaming.
However I have no shelf space so most DVD cases are in the garage with the discs in a big case. It's not the same, I think you need to be able to see and enjoy the collection on shelves.
Loved the challenge. I miss activities like these.
I do feel as time, culture and style changes some improvements are not always what we imagine them too be. You have a white washed walled house, clean and minimalist. But no conversation starter, as the your music or film or book collections are all stored on electrical devices, then stacked, sometimes toppling along your walls. Choice is a welcome thing, but having a smaller choice is not always such a bad thing. I think touching physical things, help connect us better too. However let's see what the future brings us, with new media types maybe things will become less digital again?
Your article brought back so many memories of collecting DVDs and browsing through stores like Woolworths. I loved how you captured the excitement of owning physical media and the connection we have to these collections. Great memories.
Our thing was Lovefilm, dvd rental by post and we could have up to two titles at any one time. Taught our boys that you have to wait for the good things in life. Having said that I think Mubi is a great streaming platform with a fantastic catalogue… and ReidsonFilm are open to offers of sponsorship.
Yes I used to use Lovefilm. Nothing like the excitement of the new discs coming through the post. Yep, I enjoy the BFI’s service too. And the pick and mix 😫 things will never be the same!
You had me at jelly welly. I did hold on to a handful of DVDs but nowhere near enough. (Same with CDs actually). There’s a scene in The Holiday where Kate Winslet runs her hand along an enormous shelf of DVD spines and I can feel the envy as I type. Look forward to seeing your new shelves!
I always think of Hot Fuzz when they go home after a night of drinking and he has that massive movie collection. Once I get these shelves, that might be me 😅
I have fond memories of lunch breaks of the heady days of 2007 and 2008 when I would head down to HMV or CEX on the high street (RIP high streets) and return to the office laden with DVDs and Blu-Rays for "the collection". 2 for £20 was a bargain. Ah, nostalgia.
Yes I did something very similar! What else were we supposed to do with our income 🤷🏻♂️
You've left me inspired Gareth.. Facebook Marketplace here I come. Suspect I might have to hide the loot in my home office in a cupboard labelled "Invoices" or "Accounts Payable " or somesuch to avoid the disappointed sigh and eye roll of my good lady wife...
Hahaha yep there was no hiding this haul from wife 😂 luckily she rarely ventures in the garage so they can stay in there for now!
Good luck!
Loved the voice over, Gareth - loads of personality. RIP Woolies indeed, where you could get Pic N Mix, whichever Top 40 vinyls floated your boat, videos or DVDs, and a pair of gardening gloves, all within 10ft of each other.
Ah thank you! I appreciate you saying that :).
Yes it was a special place. I bought my first single there. And my first VHS, dvd etc. and too many sweets….
You are a lucky man to obtain such a treasure trove. I have a pretty solid DVD collection, but coming home with a massive haul like that would be pretty cool, even if I only decided to keep a small amount of it. Hmm, I might have to start browsing Facebook marketplace to see if I can do something similar...
Thanks Matthew. Yeah it was really fun to go through it all. You never know what you might find. So many people are choosing to let go of their collections so I’ll bet you’ll find a good haul for a good price! Good luck!
I laughed way too hard at the picture of your face after you realised what you had done 😂 What an impressive collection - some of them seem brand new and you've even got Antonio Banderas in the 13th Warrior, what else can you ask? 😂 And well done for donating some of it. You’ve reminded me of one of my uncles, who loves cinema and has a substantial collection of VHS (yep, back in the day) and DVDs lining one full wall of his rather big home office. I always admired it in awe. And you’re so right about the joy of being able to watch a favourite film whenever you want because you own a copy of it. Streaming is great but if you blink, that movie you wanted to see it’s already gone.
A VHS collection! Now that’s a collector 😂.
Yep I felt a bit sick driving home with all of those discs I won’t lie haha. I’m glad I did though..I think 🤔😂
We wait for the follow up where you share how many of those DVDs you get to watch until the end of the year 😉
Holy crap *runs to the garage to get the boxes*
Bloody brilliant. I'm being made to rationalise our dvds and blurays. But not happy with streaming myself. Gave up netflix ages ago, Amazon is getting worse and worse to us and find stuff.
Thanks James! Yeah it’s tricky. Amazon out of all of them does have some good classics on there. But not everything. And as I say, they can just take them off any time. Keep those discs as long as you can!
I still think there's some merit in the Jelly Welly idea.... 😅
Now we’re in charge of our own pocket money who’s to stop us 😈
Amazing story! Loved reading it :-)
Thanks Oene! It was a funny day 😅
& Woolworth pick n mix was the greatest…
You should still do the jelly welly thing... also yes I much prefer physical media still. Lots of my favourites (30s-50s films) aren't available on streaming.
However I have no shelf space so most DVD cases are in the garage with the discs in a big case. It's not the same, I think you need to be able to see and enjoy the collection on shelves.
Exactly right Tom. I’m planning on buying a few billy bookshelves from ikea and putting them all on show
Love seeing someone else still hunting for physical media. I love my movie collection and will continue to try and expand it.
Thanks Matthew. It’s a wonderful feeling playing your own movies, something we naturally took for granted before!
Great article as always Gdawg.
Loved the challenge. I miss activities like these.
I do feel as time, culture and style changes some improvements are not always what we imagine them too be. You have a white washed walled house, clean and minimalist. But no conversation starter, as the your music or film or book collections are all stored on electrical devices, then stacked, sometimes toppling along your walls. Choice is a welcome thing, but having a smaller choice is not always such a bad thing. I think touching physical things, help connect us better too. However let's see what the future brings us, with new media types maybe things will become less digital again?