Jun 18Liked by Gareth Bradwick

"These actors had regional accents and spoke the language of the people. These films were huge hits at home but were impossible to sell abroad." How interesting as nowadays with the proliferation of streaming platforms more localised content is being produced and successfully received by international audiences. What a shame that this local flavour wasn't as appreciated back in the day by native English speakers. Great introduction to Will Hay.

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Thanks Cristina. Yeah it was only the Queens English, or cockney that were sold in those days. I think it was what the U.K. wanted to portray outward as well. A shame!

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Jun 18Liked by Gareth Bradwick

Those local accents will have done more for us non-native speakers than RP English! The shock of listening to real people for the first time 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Gareth Bradwick

Great video and thanks for the introduction to Will Hay. I kept thinking how touched he would be if he knew this group of enthusiasts were meeting and enjoying his work like this

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Aw thank you! Yeah it was a wonderful day. I spoke to some of his family and they were touched by the whole thing. You can only imagine what he would have thought!

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Jun 16Liked by Gareth Bradwick

I thoroughly enjoyed your latest Popped! Newsletter on Will Hay and the Will Hay Appreciation Society. Your vivid storytelling brought the event to life, and the historical insights were fascinating. Tom Marshall's dedication is inspiring. Thanks for preserving and sharing this delightful piece of comedic history, genius.

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Thanks Jon. I appreciate that. It was fun to put the video together

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